, pub-7850144154840291, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Motor City, Dubai: October 2018


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Apex Medical and Dental Clinics

Apex Medical And Dental Clinics are a multi discipline clinic offering a range of medical services in Motor City. A range of highly qualified doctors and dentists provide best in class medical services with a touch of the 'neighborhood clinic'. 

The clinic is located at Apex Atrium building. To reach Apex click here

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Is the weather changing?

Walked around Motor City this morning and I could smell the whiff of changing weather. Cooler times seem to be around the corner. Time to bring out the mats and picnic baskets? 

O Flowers

  Flirt with colorful butterflies Fall a deep sleep in afternoon warmth Enjoy melodious sounds of chirping birds....