, pub-7850144154840291, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Motor City, Dubai: March 2015


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Parking Woes at Motor City

Despite having ample dedicated parking spots in the basement, the residents continue to face challenges with disrespectful neighbors who park their cars on pavements and open spaces. Despite efforts of the community managers to maintain proper parking and safety of the residents, a few nieghbors do not want to take a little effort to park their cars in the designated spots in the basement and prefer to park in the open spaces at ground level. This problem is further compounded by guests or visitors who find it nearly impossible to find a parking spot in the community and hence end up parking on pavements.

So where does the issue lie?

Does this lie with the property developer who may have provided for significantly less parking spots for guests as compared to the number of apartments in the community?

Does this lie with the residents who do not take the effort to park their cars in the reserved parking spots that are provided for in the basements?

Please place your comments in the section below

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Colors of Motor City

The spring season brings color every year to the community. Colorful flowers everywhere. It becomes a mosaic of colors of various hues. Colors everywhere.

O Flowers

  Flirt with colorful butterflies Fall a deep sleep in afternoon warmth Enjoy melodious sounds of chirping birds....